Working Bee

We moved into the next phase of volunteer help, which began with the first working bee. Parents and friends began shaping the garden. Over one morning the beds were formed, some examples of vegetables and sunflower seeds planted, wood stumps carved, and posts for the garden fence were installed.

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The Maleny Street Co-op gave lease free use of their land, in August 2012. Since then, the staff visit regularly to top up their fresh herb supply, gather flowers to decorate the shop and enjoy the children's visits.

We are grateful for the ongoing support, vegetable seedlings and plant donations, help from the maintenance team and guidance from the Co-op manager, Karen.

Barung Landcare were the first group on site to begin a co-operative garden, which continues to flourish alongside the Children's garden.

Barung and Queensland Water and Land care recently offered to umbrella the Children's garden, establishing it's connection to other community garden's around Australia.

Barung also supply native local plants to the site, and have loaned a flow-form water sculpture to further enhance the site, and create another moment of natural wonder for children to explore.

Thanks to the Bank of Queensland for their generous donation in helping us with the clearing of the site, and bringing in extra soil to begin the garden.

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